AMV Contest at SacAnime

The Anime Music Video contest showcases submissions from attendee editors, combining music and clips from anime, video games, and original art. Video entires will be played on Friday and Saturday nights on the Main Events screen, with awards handed out at Closing Ceremonies on Sunday.

AMV Contest

The SacAnime AMV Contest takes place on Friday and Saturday night. Come laugh, cry, or “awwww” at the great entries from our talented contestants, then fill out your ballot to vote for the winners! Winners are announced at Closing Ceremonies on Sunday.

General Guidelines

Submissions can be either Competition or Exhibition:

Competition – Videos submitted for consideration of an award.
Exhibition – Videos submitted only to be played for the audience.

Video Categories

Action – Fast paced videos usually showing adventure or action.
Drama – Slower videos that show usually more sad, dark, or serious situations.
Comedy – Videos that make the crowd laugh using hilarious anime or music.
Love – Videos that show some sort of love whether that be romantic, parental, or platonic.
Fun – Videos that are usually upbeat or peaceful. Also includes something fun to watch that doesn’t really fit in any of the other categories, including video trailers.

AMV Contest Rules

-Your submission should be in MPG, MP4, or AVI format, in HD. Remember, your video will be displayed on a very large projector screen, so high resolution files will look best. Also, please include your name and the name of the video in the file, especially when submitting multiple entries. (Example: “John Smith Naruto Battle.avi”)

-You may submit up to FIVE (5) videos to this contest, either in the same category, or multiple categories.

-Videos must be between 30 seconds and 4 minutes and 30 seconds in length.

-No more than 15% of your video may contain live action clips. The rest of your video has to be a type of animation and/or gaming.

-Editors can not use clips from other people’s AMVs.

-Any animated clips can be used in the competition, i.e. anime, cartoon, video game etc. Fan art or animation can be used as well, but proof of permission from the original artist must be obtained, and emailed to before videos will be considered.

-No vulgar language, extreme violence, or sexual themes. The AMV staff reserve the right to disqualify any video they deem in poor taste. WHEN IN DOUBT, LEAVE IT OUT.

-Do not include title bumpers to your videos. We will be adding uniform title bumpers to each video shown in the contest. If your video is submitted with a title bumper, we will ask you to resubmit the video without the bumper. We are not responsible for late entries due to re-editing time.

-Do not submit videos that include subtitles, watermarks, or other logos not associated with the video. (I.E. no subtitles unless it is important to the video and no Cartoon Network/Disney/TV Tokyo logos etc.).

-No videos shown at a previous SacAnime AMV contest are allowed to be entered again. If you entered a video in the past but it did not make it into competition or exhibition you are allowed to resubmit it.

SacAnime AMV staff reserves the right to make changes to these rules at any time. For question about the AMV Contest, please email:

AMV Submission Form:
Submissions close December 6th, 11:59 PM PST.

When you submit a video you will get a confirmation email within 24 hours. If you do not get a confirmation email, please contact us at:

Want editing tips? Check out the AMV Contest Guide:

Previous SacAnime AMV Contest Submissions: