Exhibitors Map and Listings
Main Exhibitor
Main Exhibitor List
Artists Alley
Style Aisle Exhibitor List
Underground Market Exhibitor List
Vendor Booths [NAME: PLACEMENT]:
168 Dragon: B7
7 Elements Jewelry: B37
8BitBytes: B41, B45
A and B Comics: C17, C18, C19, C20
Akiba HQ: D7, D8, D11
Alaric Barca: D33
Albert Cabe: D20, D21
Alexandra Brodt Illustration: F23
All Blue Anime: E56, E57, E61, E62
All Items From Akihabara: UM6
Allie Anime: B43
Aloha Pixie Magic: E20
American Brick Builders: E3, E4, E5
Amigurumi Man: E16, E17
Amir’s Bizarre Adventure: E44, E45
Anime Creations: D29
Anime King: D34
Anime Online: E29
Anime Palace: B18, B19
Anime Spirit Shop: Z19
AnimeBooks.com: A5, A6, A7, A8
Animon Co.: E41
Art of David Wong: B36
Art of Mazzy: D10
Artisan Studio: B49
Artistic Designs: SA1
Ayasal: Z1
Bay Area Tankers: D41
Bearibop: F46, F47
Beehive Collectibles: W7
Bishiepro Studio: B52
Bishounen Boutique: C13, C14, C15, C16
Bounty XP: W21
Brownrabbits: F30
Bruised Peach and Astril Woods: UM15
Bryce Kho Draws: F25
BuiltFromSketch: F39
Buki Pins: D51, UM34
BYO Lightsaber: E30
CA Apparel: SA14, SA15
CA Laser Engraving: D27
Cakey Charms: W22
Calenthee: E32
California Hot Shots/ Collectors Corner: D16, D17, D18, D22
Capital Books: Z25, Z26, Z27, Z28
Cartoon Passion (F66,67 Swords): D1, D4, F66, F67
Casually Cosplay: D43
Centimetre Art: F45, F50
Chibitasm: F26
Christy Bsch: E19
Closet Geek LLC: D50, D54
Collector’s Universe : A1, A2, A3, A4
CollectorRey LLC: C28
Colo Draws: UM33
ColorfulSheep: A20
Comic And Figure Addicts: F52, F53
Comic Grapevine: E15
Comic Pharmacy/ Comic Board Inc.: E33
Comic Web: W26
Complex Wish: E10
Cool Kidz Collectibles: E25
CorvidaesGarden x Nocturnal Inks: F36
Cosplay MooMoo: B31, B32
CryptidZooInteractive: D37
Crystal Spirit Studios: F40
Cupcakes & Switchblades: C10, C12
Daesign Studio (filled in for other booth): B28
Digital Discs: E46
Dirty Panda Ceramics: W6
DoggoFashion/ AnimeInk.US: F64, F65, F69, F70
Doodle Stitch Art: B34
Doujin Love: D25, UM14
Dr. Hogan Berry: B24
DragonSong Forge: E52
Drawcademy: Z16
Dream Cream: F20
Dream Vale Studios: Z17
Dreaming In Paradise: A18
Ebisu Collections: E34, E35
EM Collective: B51
Emonics: F9
Ez Shop: D6, SA10, SA12
Fairy Shop: Z11, Z12
Floral Frolic: D31
Flying Raijin: B39
Fox Toxin (FNA Kiki Phan): UM36
From The Land Beyond: D45, D46, UM19
Fused Fiction Studio: B30
Gamer Life LLC: E31
Gamilex: D30
GG’s Creatures: B54
Glitch Inc.: B20
Gyozados: Z3, Z4
Hammerhead Games: B17
Hang It Up Art / The Snack Shack: W4, W5
Haphazard Hatter Shop: F27
Haus of Happiness: SA3
Hero Wares and Supplies: F2
Hiromu: F41
Homie SF: D40
I Hate Leeks: SA18
I-Con Toys: F62, F63
Ikaouji: Z23
Inkchip Design: B46
Iron Pinky: B42
Jav’s Designs: Z21
JenUoneArt: F34
Jinxyee: D38
JMart: Z13, Z15
JNA Collectibles: E49
Jody’s Crafty Corner: C21
Joker’s Guild: F57
Jones Bones: W8, W9, W10
Joobie Bean: D42
JPN Toys: A10
Just Flip TCG: Z5, Z6, Z7, Z8
Just Toyz: D13
Jwijaya Art: D39
Kai Mozeb: W13
Kamikaze Fresno: D35, D36, UM8, UM9
Kawaii Plushies Plus: D3
KawaiiRabbits: F24
Kehasuk: B33
Kellys Herobs: F1
Khang Collection: D32
Kimchi Kawaii: F21, F22
Kirumade: F32
Kml Plushy: A11
Kobolds Keep: E60
Kokai Island: D44
Koryu Mart: W1, W2, W3
Kuroheim Item Shop: E38, E39
LA Meno: Z22
Ledgengar: A12
Legion of Fantasy: B22, B23
Lindsey M Dillon: F28
Livin & Winnin: SA17
Local Anime: W12
Low Standard Designs: UM3, UM4, UM5
Lucky Cat Sticker: F60
LunaNoctuArts: D24
M8’s Warudo: F68 SA11
Macks Funko Pop: F58, F59
Mad Duck Studios: E43
Matsumoto Art: F11
Maximum Sports: W23, W24, W25
Mimopuffs: F61
Minion Gaming TCG: A21, A22, A23, A24
Mixed Pleaures: UM10, UM11
MJ Anime Goods: B3, B4
Motaii Art: C24
MTSugar: F15
Musetap Studios: B40
My D Pins: A17, A19, B21
Nandesuka: C26
Natures Fantasy: F31
Nekomimi Punks: UM27, UM28
Nerdie Turtle: F14
Nikaku Japanese Arts: C9, C11
Noir Culture: SA7, SA8, SA9
Odds & Ends Collectibles: D52, D53
OGPokerus: E53
Omaewoah: D47
Omar Mozeb: Z9, Z10
Otaku Academia: F33
Otaku Dream: E54, E55, UM1, UM2
Pal Collectibles: B44, B48
Pascual Productions : F-6
Peachade LLC: C23
Pets Are Better Than Humans: UM26*
PF Glassworks: F49
Phib: C27
PinoyShotArt/ Still Balanced: E18
PipStarPop: E6, E7
Pitch Gold: F54
Pooks Hobby Shop: E40
Popular Universe: E48
PowerMorphicon: E50, E51
Precious Touch Creations: E59
Precious Toys: F17, F18, F19
Pulsart Studio: F16
Ragin Rhino: D26
Raindropsndew: C25, UM29
Raven’s Name: F7
Remember When Collectibles: W14
Rockman QQ Art: F29
Ronin Decals: A15
Rose’s Toadstool Forest: B38
Rowdy Ranch LLC: UM12
Sam Sawyer: E22
Samurai West: B26, B27
Segura Designs: E14
Send Calamity: UM17, UM18
Senpai Squad: F48
Senzu Beanss/ RetroRalph: B8
Shark Robot: C7, C8
Sincerely Daijobu: F35
Smol Bean: UM35
Soft Senpai Club: Z20
Soothing & Suffering: SA2
Spec and Breb: F56
SpicyTunaa: E27
Stitchmind Artworks: D23
Sugar Clay Cafe: B56
Sugar Star Designs: F51
SugoiiSlaps: E47
Sushi Tomodachi: A16
Targons Trading Company: E58
Tasty Tomodachi: F6
TCG & Diecast: B50
Tea Cozy & Earth Nation Ceramics: D9
Tee No Evil: B53
TeeTurtle & Unstable Games: Z18
Terran Empire Publishing: D5
Terry Huddleston Art: W15, W16, W17
The Buzz Stop: C22
The Collective Coven: SA13
The Creative Space: D14
The Peculiar Magpie: E13
The Village Hidden in The Meadows: D12
Tigers Tangibles: D2
Tokyo Base: Z2
Top Tier Waifu: UM30
Totallyiryanic: UM23, UM24
Toy Arena : E23, E24
Toy Fusion: E26
Toy Mandala : B13, B14, B15, B16
Toy Stop: D15, D19
Toy Temple: C5, C6
Toys Logic: B9, B10, B11, B12
Toytropolis: B25, B29
Triforce Cosplay & Accessories (x): A25, A26, A27, A28
Trils (FNA No Thread No Life): E37
TSRT Collective: F55
Tsukiyo Designs (FNA DiceKey): B55
TTW Anime: E11, E12
Ultimate Spice Gaming: C1, C2, C3, C4
Umai Club: D28
Uproar Design & Print: B35
V’s Charming Closet: W11
VU Broz LLC: A9
Waifu Dreams: E36, UM13
WhySoCilious: E21
WisdoEye Gaming: W18
Wizyakuza: A13, A14
Worlds Best Comics & Toys: W27, W28, W29
Xaviercal Customs and Collectibles: E8, E9
Xtreme Bladeworks (x): D48, D49
Yes Anime: B1, B2, B5, B6
Ying’s Art: F37, F38
Yojambo: E28
Zettai Ryouiki Inc.: UM20, UM21, UM22
Zombie Patrol: F42, F43, F44
Zukululuu: E42, UM16
Style Aisle Exhibitor List
Artistic Designs: SA1
CA Apparel: SA14, SA15
Ez Shop: SA10, SA12
Haus of Happiness: SA3
I Hate Leeks: SA18
Livin & Winnin: SA17
M8’s Warudo: SA11
Noir Culture: SA7, SA8, SA9
Soothing & Suffering: SA2
The Collective Coven: SA13
Underground Market Exhibitor List
All Items From Akihabara: UM6
Bruised Peach and Astril Woods: UM15
Buki Pins: UM34
Colo Draws: UM33
Doujin Love: UM14
Fox Toxin (FNA Kiki Phan): UM36
From The Land Beyond: UM19
Kamikaze Fresno: UM8, UM9
Low Standard Designs: UM3, UM4, UM5
Mixed Pleaures: UM10, UM11
Nekomimi Punks: UM27, UM28
Otaku Dream: UM1, UM2
Raindropsndew: UM22
Rowdy Ranch LLC: UM12
Send Calamity: UM17, UM18
Smol Bean: UM35
Top Tier Waifu: UM13
Totallyiryanic: UM23
Waifu Dreams: UM10
Zettai Ryouiki Inc.: UM20, UM21, UM22
Zukululuu: UM16